DITC Mondays: Emerson Lake & Palmer-Trilogy

August 3, 2009


Label: Island
release: 1971

play time: 42:23

So this weekend I hit the crates. Got me a bowl of rasin bran and went into this great album. The 1st ELP album i copped was Tarkus. This was their 3rd album and one of their bigger albums they had. If you are familar with ELP you know what you are getting(insane keyboard,Drum and Guitar work w/ Keyboard kind of being the focus). This album does not disappoint in any way. It starts with The endless Enigma Part One. This is a trippy joint kind of sounds like something that would be played during a chase scene in a 70 action flick. Has a lot of deep piano and african drums.

Next song is Fuge. This is pretty much a piano and guitar fast paced jam session both killed it. It was short 1:57 more like an interlude.

The endless enigma part two went a little deeper than one this sounded more like a traditional ELP song. With the organ and the trademark synth. really good as well.

My favorite track is From The Beginning it is a master piece. It hit me at the right time since prior to playing this record I found out a good friend of mine was murdered. Struck me as kind of ironic considering the subject matter (purpose of being here/living). Great acoustic guitar in this one as well as lyrics.

Sheriff seemed like it contunued where endless enigma left off. Sam kind of feel to it production wise. I enjoyed it.

The song Hoedown actually cracked me up at 1st listen not because it was bad or even funny just because as I was listening I imagined Keith Emerson having a Sho-Nuff type glow illuminating around his body as he was playing this.  This is a staple of their show from what I understand as well. It is an insanely fun song. I was in my lab dosey doe’in around like a madman.

Trilogy is a piano balad a good change of pace. Emmerson is a master of the keys and its pretty much a beast. It has a broadway kind of feel to it. I could see it being in a toney award winning production.

Living Sin is a funky synthy joint. Real gritty very different from Trilogy. I wouldnt be surprised if Trilogy and Living Sin were supposed to be one song, with Triogy being the intro to it. Good song.

Abaddon’s Bolero is very trippy. Same sequence repeating but with diff elements added with each run. This song makes me realize how little chances are taken musically these days(at least on a commercial level). Good close to the album.

If you are unfamiliar with ELP please do yourself a favor and pick this up. Its a great album from a Great band.

Fav tracks: From The Beginning, Hoedown, Endless Enigma pt 2

One Response to “DITC Mondays: Emerson Lake & Palmer-Trilogy”

  1. Omega said

    Nice. imma have to snatchify it.

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